
Bachelor of Music (Honours)



Что я буду изучать?

A creative career as a professional musician. Graduate with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge to forge a successful career composing, playing, researching or teaching music. UQ's School of Music is one of Australias leading music institutions. The Bachelor of Music (Honours) is designed for students wishing to pursue a professional career in music. Our courses are practice-led with students undertaking private lessons, ensemble performances, lecturers and tutorials. The schools long tradition of excellence in musicianship, aural and music history ensures that graduates have a broad knowledge of musical discourses. Enhance your practical skills through masterclasses, student performances and concerts. Activities in the program may also encompass solo performances, choral performances, chamber music, world music, early music and contemporary ensembles. Students have the opportunity to participate in internships with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, Musica Viva, Queensland Music Festival, 4MBS Classic FM and other industry partners. By developing broad range of skills, students are equipped with highly transferable abilities, making them well positioned to adapt to a changing professional world.

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education



Варианты обучения

Очная (4 лет)

A$43,200.00 (2,789,256 руб) за 1 год

*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе

Начало обучения

Февраль 2025


St Lucia Campus

280-284 Sir Fred Schonell Dr, St Lucia,



4072, BRISBANE, Australia

Вступительные требования

Для иностранных студентов

Queensland Year 12 (or equivalent) General English subject (Units 3 & 4, C); and audition/interview; a pass in a test of practical ability and musicianship skills.*

Applicants must arrange an audition with the School of Music, to take place between 1 September and 30 November of the year preceding admission. A program of no longer than 15 minutes must be prepared. Details must be provided to the School of Music when the applicant arranges the audition. For an audition to be at a competitive standard, the repertoire performed should be comparable to Grade 7 AMEB.

English Proficiency

IELTS overall 6.5; reading 6; writing 6; speaking 6; listening 6. For other English Language Proficiency Tests and Scores approved for UQ TOEFL IBT - Overall 87, listening 19, reading 19, writing 21 and speaking 19. TOEFL PB - Overall 570, listening 54, reading 54, writing 59/5. Pearsons - Overall Score of 64 and 60 in all sub bands. BEP - A minimum overall grade of 4 plus a minimum grade of C in all macro skills. CES - Overall 176 and 169 in all sub bands. OET is not accepted.

Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса

Варианты подготовительного обучения

Этот университет предлагает

The University of Queensland предлагает данные программы подготовки по этому предмету

O The University of Queensland

Университет входит в топ-50 мира, предлагает первоклассное преподавание, проводит передовые исследования и оснащен оборудованием мирового уровня.

  • вуз входит в топ-50 мира по нескольким ключевым рейтингам
  • вуз имеет наибольшее число педагогических наград в стране
  • вуз оснащен современным оборудованием и научными центрами
  • студентам вуза доступно много стипендий и грантов

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