
CUA60320 Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design



Что я буду изучать?

Take advantage of our industry connections and enhance your graphic design skills with this course. During the program you will develop a stunning portfolio to make you ‘industry-ready.This qualification culminates in the end-of-year graduation show, which is the highlight of the year. The show is attended by industry stakeholders, many of whom are alumni and are now leading the industry.The program is designed to meet industry needs and will ensure that any design solutions you present are current. In your course you will choose from two specialisation streams - User Experience Design or Illustration, which gives you the opportunity to specialise in electives that focus on the stream of your choice.During your studies you will complete live briefs with real clients. You will challenge yourself with graphic design projects that are demanding and also very rewarding. Upon graduation you can further your studies at university level and receive advanced standing at all WA universities including Curtin University.



Варианты обучения

Очная (2 семестров)

A$12,480.00 (805,785 руб) за 1 год
Administration fee - 200

*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе

Начало обучения

Февраль 2025


North Metropolitan TAFE - Perth

25 Aberdeen Street,


Western Australia,

6003, PERTH, Australia

Вступительные требования

Для иностранных студентов

An IELTS score (academic) of 6.0 with no band score less than 5.0 or equivalent.

Completion of CUA50720 Diploma of Graphic Design is required for entry into this course.

Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


O TAFE International WA

TIWA: практическое, профессиональное обучение, соответствующее требованиям конкретной отрасли, с получением признаваемого во всем мире диплома.

  • Более 100 курсов в различных областях знаний
  • Доступные требования и понятные программы обучения
  • Профессиональное преподавание в современных учебных центрах
  • Учеба в динамичном Перте и других районах Западной Австралии

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