BA in Disability Studies


Что я буду изучать?

The interdisciplinary Disability Studies program offers B.A. options at the three-year, four-year, and honours level. Disability Studies is cross-disability (all disabilities rather than one), intersectional (disability in conjunction with race, gender, class, ethnicity, sexuality, etc.), and based in the social model of disability rather than the bio-medical model. From this perspective a lack of ramps is considered disabling, not the fact that someone uses a wheelchair.The focus of the Disability Studies program at the University of Winnipeg is the critical analysis of disability in society. This includes the study of disability as a social, cultural, historical, and political construction. Students are encouraged to examine a wide range of topics such as human rights, ethics, social movements, theory, family, sexuality, employment, socialization, aging, education, international development, and gender issues.

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

Faculty of Arts

Варианты обучения

Очная (3 лет)

CAD$16,245.00 (1,143,934 руб) за 1 год
CAN $16,245 for 30 credits (Low); CAN $19,543.50 for 30 credits (High); This fees is for 2023 – 2024 and it may be subject to change in future

*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе

Дедлайн для заявки

Предполагаемое начало: February, June, September 2025

Начало обучения

Май 2025


Faculty of Arts

The University of Winnipeg,

515 Portage Avenue,


Manitoba (MB),

R3B 2E9, Canada

Вступительные требования

Для иностранных студентов

You are a current high school student studying at a school in another Canadian province, and expect to graduate from grade 12 (or equivalent).

Test of English as a Foreign Language: Requirement/Score: Internet-based - Achieve a minimum score of 86 with no less than 20 in each component.

International English Language Testing System: Requirement/Score: IELTS Academic - Minimum overall band score of 6.5

Cambridge Assessment English: C1 Advanced: Requirement/Score: Minimum score 180

Cambridge Assessment English: C2 Proficiency: Requirement/Score: Minimum score 180

CAEL and CAEL-CE - Minimum score of 60; CAEL online - Minimum score of 70

Pearson Test of English (Academic): Requirement/Score: Minimum of score of 58

Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


O The University of Winnipeg

UWinnipeg привлекает студентов со всего мира за счет академического отличия, обучения в небольших классах, экологичности и разнообразия.

  • вуз предлагает 400 программ бакалавриата
  • 90% выпускников удовлетворены своей учебой в вузе
  • Виннипег - один из 3 лучших крупных городов Канады для жизни
  • выпускники могут получить рабочие визы и остаться в Канаде

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