Bachelor of Arts (BA) Majoring in Psychology




Что я буду изучать?

Psychology is the study of mind and behaviour. It seeks to understand our desires, impulses, actions, emotions, and thoughts. In the Psychology program at UNBs Saint John campus, youll study from faculty members with expertise in fields such as forensic psychology and criminal behaviour, addictive behaviour, psychopharmacology, human development, and animal behaviour. Youll choose to study topics such as child development, drugs and behaviour, lie detection methods, and the causes and consequences of loneliness.Hands-on learningParticipation in active research projects involving either human or animal participantsField placement courses at community correctional facilities or in mental health settingsVolunteer opportunities in UNB research labsResearch assistantship opportunitiesOpportunities to attend professional conferences to present research

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

UNB Fredericton Faculty of Arts

Варианты обучения

Очная (4 лет)

CAD$19,148.00 (1,348,356 руб) за 1 год
CAN $9,574 per term

*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе

Начало обучения

Предполагаемое начало: Январь 2026


University of New Brunswick

Fredericton Campus,

3 Bailey Drive,


New Brunswick (NB),

E3B 5A3, Canada

Вступительные требования

Для иностранных студентов

High school students applying to undergraduate programs at the University of New Brunswick must meet the following three sets of requirements in order to be considered for admission.

The University of New Brunswick accepts qualified applicants from all countries. Entry requirements may vary from country to country.

English language proficiency requirements:

TOEFL IBT with a minimum overall score of 85
IELTS or IELTS Indicator with a minimum overall score of 6.5
CAEL CE or CAEL Online with a minimum overall score of 60
Pearson Vue Test with a minimum score of 59
Cambridge English Assessment C1 advanced or C2 proficiency with a minimum score of 176
Duolingo with a minimum overall score of 115

Application Deadline: Fall term (September start) — apply before June 1; Winter term (January start) — apply before Oct. 1; Summer (various start dates from May–August) — apply before Feb. 1

Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


O University of New Brunswick

UNB — ведущий исследовательский университет, занимающийся развитием предпринимательства. Он является 3-им в Канаде по доле окончивших вуз студентов.

  • Свыше 75 программ бакалавриата и магистратуры
  • 2 кампуса в живописной провинции Нью-Брансуик
  • На каждого преподавателя в вузе приходится всего 15 студентов
  • 50% учащихся получают стипендии

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