Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)



Что я буду изучать?

Graduates of the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) STEM program are prepared to teach science, technology, engineering, and math subjects in secondary schools.You will be highly sought after by schools due to the quality of learning through courses in education, methods courses, and hands-on experience in practicums.According to WorkBC, there will be 7,990 job openings for teachers from 2022 to 2032, making teaching a desirable field to enter.

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

Faculty of Education and Social Work

Варианты обучения

Очная (64 часов)

CAD$25,315.92 (1,782,686 руб) за 1 год
CAN $8,438.64 per semester

*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе

Начало обучения

Сентябрь 2025


Thompson Rivers University

Kamloops Campus,

805 TRU Way,


British Columbia (BC),

V2C 0C8, Canada

Вступительные требования

Для иностранных студентов

Selective admission

Four-year Bachelor of Science degree (120 credit hours) or equivalent in mathematics, or science (such as physics, biology, chemistry or general science) with a minimum grade point average of C+ (GPA 2.33) on the most recent 60 credit hours completed.
Within the degree all applicants must have one teachable major or two teachable minors (courses taught in secondary schools).

A teachable minor consists of 18 credit hours of upper-level courses (numbered 3000 or 4000), in addition to required lower-level courses.
A teachable major consists of thirty (30) credit hours of upper-level courses (numbered 3000 or 4000) in addition to required lower-level courses.

Successful completion, with a C+ average of six (6) credit hours of acceptable English Literature and Composition at any level. Courses in linguistics, language study, grammar, technical or business writing, communication, or English as a second language are not acceptable to meet the English requirement.

Teaching Experience Requirement

One hundred (100) hours minimum of relevant volunteer or paid teaching experience working with groups of school age students. These hours must be completed prior to admission into the program. It is recommended that a minimum of 25 of these hours be in a middle or secondary-school classroom or environment.

English Language Proficiency Requirements: TOEFL iBT - 88+ with no section below 20; TOEFL paper-based - 570+ TWE 4.5+; TOEFL Computer-Based - 230+ Essay 4.5+; IELTS - 6.5+ with no bands below 6.0; MELAB - 81+; CanTEST - 4.5+ with no component score below 4.0; CAEL - Overall 70+ No subtest below 60.

Deadlines for students of pre-assessment eligible nationalities (Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Iran and Nigeria): Fall: February 15, 2024. Deadlines for students of all other nationalities: Fall: March 1, 2024; Winter 2025: September 1, 2024.

Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


O Thompson Rivers University

Культурное разнообразие и инклюзивная среда в канадском университете Томпсон Риверс мотивируют студентов. Это университет для учебы, жизни и успеха.

  • более 200 программ в кампусах и онлайн
  • 100+ программ ведут к разрешению на работу в Канаде
  • №1 в канадском рейтинге природосберегающих вузов
  • показатель удовлетворенности студентов бакалавриата – 95%

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