Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Что я буду изучать?

The Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (BTCM) is a 10-semester program that provides the academic preparation for students to practice as an Acupuncturist after semester 6, and as a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner, after semester 10. The BTCM program curriculum has been approved by the regulatory body in BC, the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists (CTCMA) and the CTCMA Registration Committee as meeting the academic requirements for licensure. This positions BTCM graduates desiring to practice in BC, the ability to apply for licensure and registration upon graduation, subject to meeting other non-academic licensing requirements. A student may complete only the first 6 semesters of the program and graduate with a Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine – Acupuncture (an existing KPU credential) or continue through the 10 semesters graduating with a BTCM. A graduate with a Diploma in Acupuncture may use all 86 credits of that credential towards their Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This approach allows practicing Acupuncturists to further their education to practice to the full scope of a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner by completing the BTCM program.

Варианты обучения

Очная (4 лет)

CAD$261,139.25 (18,388,793 руб) за 1 год
Начало обучения

Сентябрь 2025


Richmond Campus

8771 Lansdowne Road,


British Columbia,

V6X 3V8, Canada

Вступительные требования

Для иностранных студентов

In addition to the Faculty's Admission Requirements, which consist of KPU's undergraduate English Proficiency Requirement, the following program admission requirements apply:

  • Interview by the Program Chair and/or letters of reference, if requested.

Once students have received a conditional offer of admission and before final admission to the program is granted, students must submit the following:

  • Canadian CPR Health Care Provider or Basic Life Support (Note: CPR certification must remain current throughout the program).
  • An acceptable Criminal Record Check through the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General's Criminal Records Review Program within 6 months prior to the start of the program.
  • International applicants are required to provide a Criminal Record Search with the Vulnerable Sector from their country of origin.
  • Immunization Record Form reflecting required immunizations as per Practice Education Guidelines for BC. Note: Practice Education Guidelines (PEG) for BC outline immunizations for vaccine preventable communicable diseases required by students for participation in practice experiences. KPU Faculty of Health is required to comply with these requirements. Students that are unvaccinated may not be able to be accepted into the program. Students who are accepted into the program will also be required to maintain immunizations as per the PEG.

Admission selection will be determined by the date of qualification.

Applicants that have completed a recognized Acupuncture/Traditional Chinese Medicine Diploma, or who are practicing Registered Acupuncturists, may be provided with advanced standing.

  • Completion of BC English Studies 12 , English First Peoples 12 or Literary Studies 12  with a minimum grade of C+  (or equivalents)
  • As part of the Adult Dogwood Diploma, completion of English Studies 12 with a minimum grade of C+ 
  • Completion of IB (International Baccalaureate) English A (HL or SL) with a minimum grade of 3 (or C+)
  • Completion of AP (Advanced Placement) English Language and Composition or AP English Literature and Composition with a minimum grade of 2 (or C+)

Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


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