Diploma in Early Childhood Education


Что я буду изучать?

Graduates of this program can be part of the licensed child care team supporting young children in infant, toddler, preschool or school age classrooms in developing thinking, learning, communication, physical, social and emotional skills. Registered Early Childhood Educators design and provide a curriculum that is based on the interests and the developmental level of each child. Practitioners in the field of Early Childhood Education work closely not only with children but also with families and other professionals, so excellent communication and social interaction skills are also required.Program HighlightsPlacements can be completed in a variety of places and locations. Placements within a variety of settings such as Francophone or Indigenous settings and also extended hours settings.Graduates are able to apply for certification to the Association for Early Childhood Education Ontario.Graduates must register with the College of Early Childhood Educators to practice in the profession.Registered ECE professionals design and provide a curriculum that is based on the interests and development level of each child.Career OpportunitiesPositions are available in community-based child care EarlyON Child and Family Centres, and in-home care. There are also positions available in Boards of Education as Registered Early Childhood Educators in Kindergarten classes as well as international opportunities for working with young children.

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

School of Community Studies

Варианты обучения

Очная (2 лет)

CAD$15,245.76 (1,073,569 руб) за 1 год
Fall: CAN $8,060.39; Winter: CAN $7,185.37

*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе

Начало обучения

Предполагаемое начало: Январь 2026


Chatham Campus

1001 Grand Ave. W.,



N7M 5W4, Canada

Вступительные требования

Для иностранных студентов

High school diploma/graduation certificate and transcript or equivalent in original language and English translation.

OSSD with the majority of courses at the College (C), University (U), University/College (M) or Open (O) level plus:

  • Grade 12 English - ENG4U, ENG4C, EAE4C or EAE4U.

English Proficiency Requirements:

IELTS overall band of 6.0.

PTE (Pearson Test of English) minimum score 60

TOEFL overall 83.

CAEL minimum score 60

CELPIP General 7.0 in each module.

Application deadline: Fall Term: February 1st, Winter Term: September 15th.

Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


O St. Clair College

В St. Clair College студенты учатся новому, налаживают крепкие связи и получают навыки для построения успешной карьеры.

  • специализированный колледж прикладных искусств и технологий
  • колледж состоит из 3 кампусов в провинции Онтарио
  • 120 дипломных, степенных и высших сертификатных курсов
  • уровень трудоустройства выпускников колледжа составляет 87,5%

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