BSc (Hons) in Architecture (Joint Programme with MTU)

Ирландская республика


Что я буду изучать?

Architecture explores new ways of living, investigates new technologies and materials, and strives to ensure that new buildings, towns and landscapes are environmentally sustainable. It combines art, science and technology in the design and construction of buildings and their surroundings within a sociocultural context. Architects are engaged in all aspects and creating the built environment from feasibility studies, outline and detailed design, through planning, to construction and management. They are involved in projects of a diverse nature, including the design of domestic, retail, leisure, health, commercial, industrial and educational buildings, towns and urban landscapes.

This challenging and engaging Architecture programme includes technology and cultural/contextual modules, and has a strong focus on learning through activities in the design studio. The Architecture degree is delivered by the Cork Centre for Architectural Education in Cork City, a collaboration between UCC and the Munster Technological University. This new, purpose-designed premises houses state-of-the-art technology with purpose-built workshop spaces where you will develop your skills in creativity, design and innovation.

The Architecture programme has been designed in response to the guidelines of the UNESCO/UIA Charter for Architectural Education, the European Qualifications Directive (2005/36/ EC) relating to the Architectural Profession, and the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland (RIAI) Education Policy.

Combined with the Master of Architecture, it is accredited by the RIAI. Together with two years' work experience in an architect's office and a Postgraduate Certificate in Architectural Professional Practice and Experience, this will allow you to register as a professional architect.

The first year of study provides you with a foundation in design and the built environment, appropriate to both the discipline of architecture and associated design courses. In addition to learning drawing skills, you will become proficient in photography, modelmaking and digital representation of architecture. The following years of study will become progressively more architecturally focused whilst still allowing and encouraging experimentation and research into associated disciplines. You will participate in formal lectures and seminars, and design studio tutorials and reviews. You will also get the chance to participate in class field trips, visiting project sites, as well as study trips to Irish and other European cities.

This exciting and innovative honours degree course in architecture has been developed with the support of the local architectural profession and in consultation with the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland (RIAI).

The architectural programme requires a broad set of skills and you need to be a creative, innovative, logical and critical thinker. An artistic ability is important although the design studio work will help develop this. An interest in the following subjects will all contribute to your enjoyment of this course: Art, Mathematics, English, Design and Communication Graphics, and a Science/Technology subject.

Skills and Careers Information

Career Opportunities

Architecture itself provides exciting and widely varied career opportunities. As a graduate you may specialise in certain types of buildings, or concentrate on a particular area such as architectural design, urban design, technology, architectural conservation, and computer-based modelling. You may work individually or as part of a team, in private practice, or in the architectural section of a commercial organisation, a government department or local authority. Our graduates have gone on to work as architectural assistant designers, draughtsmen and women, forum architect assistants, domestic heating planners and project managers.

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

College of Science, Engineering and Food Science

Варианты обучения

Очная (4 лет)

€23,500.00 (2,467,451 руб) за 1 год
EU Student Contribution Charge will be €3,000 per annum and the Capitation Fee is expected to be €147 per annum; EU Total fee: €7,467

*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе

Начало обучения

Предполагаемое начало: Январь 2026


UCC Campus

College Road,


T12 K8AF, Republic of Ireland

Вступительные требования

Для иностранных студентов

Non-EU applicants are expected to have educational qualifications of a standard equivalent to the Irish Leaving Certificate

Duolingo English Test (DET): DET 120 with a minimum score of 110 in each individual section

IELTS - International English Language Testing System/ IELTS Indicator Test: Minimum overall score of 6.5 and a minimum of 6.0 in each band

TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language - TOEFL iBT/TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition Test: Minimum overall score of 90 and minimum of 20 in each section

University of Cambridge: 176+ on the Cambridge English scale with no less than 169 in each skill and use of English i.e.

Proficiency Certificate, Grade C or better (CEFR Level C1 or C2) Advanced Certificate, Grade C or better (CEFR Level C1 or C2) First Certificate, Grade A (CEFR Level C1)

Pearson PTE Academic: Minimum of 63 (with at least 59 for each item in the Communicative Skills section)

Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


O University College Cork

UCC – это отмеченный наградами университет с более чем 170-летней историей преподавания и исследований мирового класса.

  • UCC входит в 2% лучших вузов мира
  • Корк был признан лучшим «городом культуры и творчества»
  • в вузе учится более 3,000 иностранных студентов
  • более 90% выпускников устраиваются на работу после учебы

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