Doctor of Philosophy in Sustainability Science and Technology



Что я буду изучать?

This novel PhD programme aims to produce leaders in academia and industry through its multi-disciplinary approach to sustainability. Graduates will be equipped with quantitative and qualitative analytical skills necessary to formulate and champion solutions to global sustainability issues.

Working with Sunway University's team of highly qualified, experienced and world class academicians, PhD candidates would gain exposure to the various systems involved in sustainability issues and debates. Students will also be guided into identifying areas of investigation within the emerging areas of research contributing towards sustainable development solutions.

Sunway University's state-of-the-art facilities coupled with research partnerships with globally excellent institutions provide every scholar the opportunity to become key researchers in the field of sustainability.

Career Prospects:

Lecturer/Senior Educator
R&D, Senior Researcher, Manager
Research Scientist/ Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Prolific Scientific Writer
Scientific Policy Maker

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

School of Engineering and Technology

Варианты обучения

Очная (3 лет)

Estimated Annual Course Fee: USD $14,829. International students must pay their fees in RM equivalent. The USD here is just an indicative/estimation and subject to the prevalent exchange rate

*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе

Начало обучения

Июль 2025


Sunway University

No. 5, Jalan Universiti,

Bandar Sunway,

Petaling Jaya,


47500, Malaysia

Вступительные требования

Для иностранных студентов

A Masters degree (Level 7, MQF) in Science or Engineering disciplines which can be accepted by the University Senate.
Other Qualifications: Any other qualifications will be considered on a case-to-case basis and subject to the approval and acceptance by University Senate.

English Language Requirements

IELTS - 6.0;
SPM English: B3 or B+
UEC English: Credit
Sunway Intensive English Programme (IEP): Pass Level 4 with minimum 65%
ESL/English: Satisfactory level in Pre-University programmes, where the medium of
instruction is English.

Note: Candidates who have completed a Bachelor's degree or equivalent in English would have met the language requirement.


O Sunway University

Университет Санвэй входит в топ-2% азиатских вузов согласно рейтингу QS Asia University Rankings 2019.

  • кампус площадью 82 000 кв.м. в самом центре Санвэй-Сити
  • 5 звезд в рейтинге QS Stars University Rankings 2019
  • свыше 26 000 студентов более чем из 90 стран мира
  • стипендиальный фонд – 402 млн RM

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