Master of Applied Science (MAppSc) in Geographic Information Systems

Новая Зеландия

Что я буду изучать?

The Master of Applied Science (MAppSc) is a 180-point, coursework postgraduate degree. A candidate would normally be a graduate but the degree is also open to those with other relevant qualifications. The MAppSc is designed for students who wish to pursue an interdisciplinary programme of study underpinned by science that delivers versatile skills relevant to multiple end-users. Optional paths are available that emphasise commercialisation, workplace-based projects or independent study.GIS are fundamental to urban and regional planning, wildlife management, using business intelligence in commerce, tourism, public health, traffic management, and a host of other applications. It is a multi-billion-dollar worldwide industry, with opportunities almost anywhere in the global economy. It is an area of study that is truly cross-disciplinary. GIS combines academic rigour with practical application. Accurate, complete and up-to-date spatial information is an immensely valuable resource for businesses and governments.

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

Division of Sciences

Варианты обучения

Очная (1 год)

NZ$64,499.00 (3,769,226 руб) за 1 год

*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе

Дедлайн для заявки

Предполагаемое начало: April 2025


Начало обучения

Февраль 2025


Dunedin Campus

University of Otago Clocktower Building,

362 Leith Street,


North Dunedin,

9016, New Zealand

Вступительные требования

Для студентов, проживающих в Соединенных Штатах

Every applicant shall have fulfilled one of the following conditions: be a graduate and have achieved an average grade of at least B in the relevant 300-level papers; have obtained a Postgraduate Certificate or a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science with an average grade of at least B; have equivalent alternative qualifications or experience acceptable to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences).

Для иностранных студентов

Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences).

Every applicant shall have fulfilled one of the following conditions:

  • be a graduate and have achieved an average grade of at least B in the relevant 300-level papers;
  • have obtained a Postgraduate Certificate or a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science with an average grade of at least B;
  • have equivalent alternative qualifications or experience acceptable to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences).

In considering an applicant's qualifications, regard will be had to the detail of the course of study followed to gain the qualification, as well as the applicant's performance in the programme.

English language requirements

  • IELTS (Academic module) (including IELTS Online) - Overall score of 6.5, no individual band below 6.0.
  • TOEFL iBT - Overall score of 90 and a writing score of 21.
  • C1 Advanced (previously Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)) or C2 Proficiency (previously Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE)) - Overall score of 176 (with no individual band below 169).
  • Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic - Overall score of 58 with no communicative skills score below 50.
  • Language Cert - International ESOL: C1 Expert (LRWS) with a high pass overall and no less than a pass in each skill OR C2 Mastery (LRWS) with a pass overall and no less than a pass in each skill.
  • NZCEL - NZCEL 5 Academic endorsement
  • English New Zealand's Accredited Pathway Assessment - Assessment Level 3 (with no skill lower than Level 2).
  • APIEL Advanced Placement International English Language Examination - Grade 4 or higher.

July commencement may be possible, although the duration of the qualification may be longer, or paper selection may be limited.

Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


O The University of Otago

Отаго входит в топ-1% университетов мира; многие считают его лучшим университетом Новой Зеландии.

  • 1-й в Новой Зеландии по результатам образовательного процесса
  • 95% выпускников трудоустраиваются или продолжают образование
  • кампус в Данидине – один из 5 самых красивых в мире
  • выпускники могут обращаться за 3-летней рабочей визой

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