Acoustical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year and Foundation Year MEng (Hons)



Что я буду изучать?

This one-year full-time course is integrated with a further five-year undergraduate degree, and will equip you with the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to successfully meet the challenges of our MEng Acoustical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year degree.It is aimed at students who are highly motivated but did not choose the A level subjects required for direct entry to their chosen degree, are studying a BTEC, are an international or a mature student. Successful completion of this Foundation Year guarantees progression to one of seventeen subject areas, including Acoustical Engineering.You will study full time through a combination of lectures, workshops, tutorials, and independent study, with three hours of laboratory practical work each week.You will learn the core principles of mathematics, mechanical and physical science, and electricity and electronics.You will undertake laboratory work and a variety of assignments to develop your critical thinking and problem solving and will receive full support and feedback from subject tutors to progress your academic development.Please note, MEng degrees with Industrial Placement Year and Foundation Year are not available to students who require a student visa to study in the UK.

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

Foundation Year (Engineering)

Варианты обучения

Очная (6 лет)

£23,620.00 (2,988,360 руб) за 1 год
£23620 Per year

Это фиксированная стоимость

*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе

Начало обучения

Сентябрь 2025


Main Site - Highfield Campus





Вступительные требования

Для студентов, проживающих в Соединенных Штатах

If you have not taken the A-Level subjects required for direct entry to your chosen course e.g. maths and normally a second science subject at A-level, then you will usually need a Foundation Year. Please refer to our website for details about subject restrictions. Pass in the associated science Practical is required where applicable.We are committed to ensuring that all students with the potential to succeed, regardless of their background, are encouraged to apply to study with us. The additional information gained through contextual data allows us to recognise a student?s potential to succeed in the context of their background and experience.Students who are highlighted in this way will receive additional scrutiny during confirmation of results

Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


O University of Southampton

University of Southampton входит в топ-100 вузов мира и топ-15 Великобритании и является ведущим университетом с отличной репутацией.

  • вуз входит в топ-100 университетов мира
  • вуз известен крупным интернациональным сообществом студентов
  • вуз предлагает разные отмеченные наградами карьерные сервисы
  • бизнес-инкубатор вуза признан лучшим в мире (UBI Global)

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