Ancient History with Philosophy BA (Hons)



Что я буду изучать?

By combining Ancient History (75% of your course) with Philosophy (25%) you'll have the opportunity to study the history of Greece and Rome in the Classical period as the major element of your degree alongside ancient and modern philosophy. With roots of the subject anchored in the ancient world, Philosophy makes an ideal partner for classical subjects.Taught by a variety of internationally recognised experts, Ancient History offers the opportunity to study the history of Greece and Rome in the Classical period (600 BCE to 700 CE). Over three years you will delve into the politics, events and developments underpinning our understanding of many aspects of historical societies and, indeed, our own culture. You will explore themes, key periods and problems in Greek and Roman history, such as the emergence (and fall) of democracy and the rise, decline and fall of Empires.As a student of Ancient History you will be part of our Classics Department, where the quality of research that informs our teaching and a friendly, individual approach which shapes the way we guide our students combine to create an unbeaten academic experience.At Royal Holloway we have a unique approach to Philosophy that looks beyond the narrow confines of the Anglo-American analytic or the European tradition of philosophy focus on both traditions, their relationship and connections between them. The result has been the creation of a truly interdisciplinary and collaborative programme that brings together academic staff from departments across the university.With the opportunity to examine (amongst other things) the mind and consciousness, aesthetics and morals, the self and others, the range of subjects available to Philosophy students at Royal Holloway guarantees that there will be something on offer that really engages you during your time with us.- Explore key themes and problems such as the rise, decline and fall of Empires.- Opportunities to study archaeology, literature, philosophy and language.- Choose to specialise in Greek or Roman history, or both.- A historical range from ancient to contemporary analytic philosophy.- Develop critical skills for your career or further study.

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

Classics and Philosophy

Варианты обучения

Очная (3 лет)

£25,900.00 (3,276,822 руб) за 1 год
£25900 Per year

Это фиксированная стоимость

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Начало обучения

Сентябрь 2025


Main Site

Royal Holloway, University Of London,

Egham Hill,




Вступительные требования

Для студентов, проживающих в Соединенных Штатах


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O Royal Holloway

Исследовательский вуз мирового уровня Royal Holloway, University of London занимает 135 акров в живописном парке в Суррее.

  • топ-25 научных вузов страны (Research Excellence Framework)
  • вуз занимает 135-акровый парковый кампус
  • 34 место среди британских вузов (Times Higher Education 2020)
  • вуз находится всего в 19 милях от центра Лондона

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