Что я буду изучать?
Graphic Design can be described as taking an idea, text and image and presenting them in a visually engaging form to facilitate the communication process, whilst ensuring the message is understood by an audience. The BA (Hons) Graphic Design course at CSVPA enables students to examine these principles of design, then encourages them to explore their own individual design voice in a progressive, enterprising, playful and ambitious way. Through experimentation and critical enquiry, students are given the opportunity to reflect on the past, challenge the contemporary and anticipate the creative future of design. Working in a friendly and busy environment, students are supported in achieving their full potential for future professional life.Modules:Level four: Modules: Core Practice: Graphic Design, Disruptive Exploration, Engagement, Creative Expression: Graphic DesignAt level four you will begin to engage with visual language, developing your technical skills, artistic expression and individual voice, while engaging with challenging ideas relating to the role of design in society, the history and context of design theory and thinking, and the importance of social engagement and thought in the industry. Fifty percent of your classes will be taught alongside students in Illustration and Visual Communication, allowing for collaboration and interdisciplinary projects and ideas. Level five: Modules: Professional Voice: Graphic Design, Preparation, Applied process: Graphic Design, Negotiated PracticeAt level five you will focus on improving your design skills, while working on individually negotiated and live projects with industry and the community. You will begin to plan for your final project and dissertation, and enhance your research skills in written and oral work. Level six: Modules: Positioning your practice: Graphic Design, Dissertation, Showcase: Graphic DesignIn your final year you will develop your professional portfolio and prepare for industry or further study with individual support from tutors. You will produce a final major project, responding to a brief of your choosing, and showcasing your skills and interests. This is supported with a research project culminating in a dissertation or visual essay.