Business and Management (Entrepreneurship) - Professional Placement Year BA (Hons)


Что я буду изучать?

**From the seed of an idea to a fully-fledged business, entrepreneurship is at the centre of this hands-on business and management course.**- Discover the inner workings of businesses and prepare for a career in a variety of sectors..- Practically-focused course centred on devising and pitching concepts and developing fundraising strategies.- Choose either a ten-month or ten-week work placement and apply what you’ve learned in the real world.Do you have an idea for the next big thing? Or are you looking to start your own business? This Business and Management course will give you the skills to develop, grow and flourish as an entrepreneur by building your concept from the ground up.We'll teach you core business values within this practically-focused pathway and provide you with chances to get first-hand, real-life experience. We'll empower you to develop your entrepreneurial flair whilst giving you a thorough grounding in business theory and practice. You'll work on fundraising and pitching skills and be encouraged to have your own creative thoughts about business opportunities.By working with our enterprise team at Bath Spa, as well as within the new "incubator space" at EMERGE, you'll be part of the University's creative business hub and learn from other students across the course and from wider degree programmes..**More about the Professional Placement Year**A Professional Placement Year (PPY), traditionally known as a sandwich year, is where you undertake a period of work with an external organisation for between 9-13 months. The placement occurs between your second and final years of undergraduate study. You can engage in multiple placements to make up the total time and are required to source the placement(s) yourself, with support from the Careers team. The PPY Bursary can make work experience more accessible, with students undertaking a PPY able to receive between £500 and £1,500 to be used towards placement costs such as travel, food, workwear or accommodation.

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

Bath Business School

Варианты обучения

Очная (4 лет)

Информация недоступна

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Начало обучения

Сентябрь 2025


Main Site

Newton Park,


Bath And North East Somerset,


Вступительные требования

Для студентов, проживающих в Соединенных Штатах

A level grades BCC-CCC with Grade C in Business or related subject preferred. Applicants without business studies A level can apply but will need to demonstrate a strong interest in Business in their personal statement.

Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


O Bath Spa University

Bath Spa стремится стать ведущим вузом для творчества, инноваций и предпринимательства и предлагает превосходное обучение в потрясающих кампусах.

  • вуз предлагает качественное обучение в небольших классах
  • Бат признан 2-м самым безопасным городом Великобритании
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  • студенты вуза стажируются в разных известных компаниях

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