Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence with Year in Industry BSc (Hons)


Что я буду изучать?

Artificial intelligence is changing our homes, workplaces and lifestyles. Our course lets you explore this subject with optional modules in intelligent agents, autonomous systems, machine learning, and human-AI interaction. You'll take part in a group project in year two which prepares you for creating the computer systems of the future. Many projects are in collaboration with industry. Previous students have worked with Capital One, Experian, IBM and UniDays. All these companies have offices in Nottingham. This project is great for your CV and can help you make contacts ready for when you start your career. The industry year opportunity lets you take what you've learned and apply it to real projects in industry. Placements may be paid and can even lead to a job offer before you've graduated. You may recognise some of our tutors from the Computerphile YouTube series. It is this inspiring teaching that you can expect at Nottingham. **Why choose this course?** - Study abroad You’ll have the opportunity to apply to study abroad and gain a global perspective of computer science. - Average salary £32,104 (HESA Graduate Outcomes Survey 2022) - Accredited by the British Computer Society - Flexibility to transfer between computer science degrees during year one- Excellence in Computer Science Scholarship - No experience in programming is needed to apply for this course

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

School of Computer Science

Варианты обучения

Очная (4 лет)

£25,000.00 (3,162,955 руб) за 1 год
£25000 Per year

Это примерная стоимость

*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе

Начало обучения

Сентябрь 2025


University Park Campus

University Park,



Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


O University of Nottingham

Исключительное качество образования, увлекательные программы, революционные исследования и опыт, меняющий жизнь, в одном из лучших университетов мира.

  • входит в топ-20 британских университетов (QS World 2025)
  • и в мировой топ-50 по специальности “педагогика” (2025)
  • золотой рейтинг британской экспертизы качества преподавания
  • превосходная карьерная поддержка, широкие возможности

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