
Film and French BA (Hons)


Что я буду изучать?

Develop your passion for film while exploring French language and culture in depth.Our exciting Film and French BA combines two different - and complementary - areas of interest. You’ll divide your time equally between the two subjects.Studying French at Queen Mary means appreciating the diversity of the French-speaking world. You’ll learn not only about metropolitan France, but also about French as a global language, France’s role on the world stage, and the culture and thought of groups who have historically been silenced or excluded, such as women, the working class and ethnic minorities.Film Studies fosters an understanding of visual aesthetics and leads students into areas of study as diverse as history, politics, philosophy, technology and performance. You’ll study the history and theory of cinema across a broad range of modules and have the opportunity to write your own film script.You’ll spend your third year abroad, an exceptional opportunity to develop your language skills through immersion and boost your intercultural competence.

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

School of the Arts

Варианты обучения

Очная (4 лет)

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Начало обучения

Сентябрь 2025


Main Site

Mile End Road,


Tower Hamlets,


Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


O Queen Mary University of London

Университет королевы Марии – это возможность получить превосходное образование в Лондоне, восхитительном городе с неисчерпаемой культурой.

  • Университет мирового уровня, входит в группу Расселл
  • Поистине интернациональное студенческое сообщество
  • превосходная инфраструктура, постоянные инвестиции
  • Восемь нобелевских лауреатов в числе выпускников

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