Studying for a Guildhall Artist Masters in Performance prepares you for entry to the profession at the highest level, offering training in the following areas: Advanced Instrumental Studies (for Strings, Wind, Brass, Percussion, Keyboard), Chamber Music, Historical Performance, Jazz, Opera Studies, Piano Accompaniment, Repetiteur, Vocal Studies, and Orchestral Artistry in association with the LSO.
About the MMus/MPerf programme
Studying for a Guildhall Artist Masters in Performance prepares you for entry to the profession at the highest level. This programme is about developing as an individual, insightful musician and practitioner; about challenging yourself and taking risks within your field of expertise. It gives you the technical facility and musical flexibility to explore and refine your individual artistic voice.
The School will provide you with a learning environment that enables you to recognise and nurture your strengths. As part of the Guildhall Artist Masters, there are great opportunities for professional exposure.
Our teaching staff includes world-class performers and innovative practitioners. Your final recitals will be assessed by leading experts. You will learn from internationally renowned conductors and artists and you will perform in some of the country’s finest venues.
Many specialisms within this programme work closely with our partner organisations, particularly the Orchestral Artistry specialism delivered in association with the London Symphony Orchestra. As part of this development process, you will receive feedback from a variety of sources. To ensure you gain self-reliance and the confidence to further your career, we prioritise individual study alongside enhancing your ability to independently evaluating of your own musical identity and growth, and guiding your gradual, independent engagement with the outside musical scene.
Сентябрь 2025
Guildhall School of Music & Drama
Silk Street,
City of London,
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