This programme is designed for international students who do not quite have the academic grades and/or English level to start the first year of an undergraduate degree in the UK, but have a stronger profile than a UFP student. This programme is set at level 4, and is equivalent to the first year of an undergraduate business degree in the UK.
This one-year (2 semester) programme offers successful students the opportunity to progress to Year 2 of a wide range of business related degrees at London-based universities including:
You will be assessed by a variety of methods during your time with us. The intention is that you have a chance to experience the full range of assessment methods that you might experience at university when you start the second year of your chosen degree.
Assessments will normally include coursework, essays, reports and other structured assignments, oral examination, and unseen written examinations.
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Сентябрь 2025
Malet Street,
Greater London,
Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса
После окончания учебы в ONCAMPUS London студенты могут поступить на программы бакалавриата и магистратуры многих ведущих университетов.