Leicester Law School is a research-led department, recognising the important relationship between excellence in research and in teaching. Our research is recognised on a global stage, and our academics are frequent participants in legal debates and contribute to policy-making. In the Research Excellence Framework 2014, 80% of the School's research output was rated to be world-leading or internationally excellent. In terms of research power, the School ranked 11th in the country.
Law at Leicester offers supervision for the degrees of:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - full-time, part-time and distance learning
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) - full-time and part-time
Supervision and research areas
We offer PhD and MPhil supervision in Law in areas compatible with the research interests of our academic staff including, but not limited to:
Company, Commercial, and Financial Law
Criminal Law, Criminal Justice, and Criminology
Dispute Resolution
European Law and Policy
Human Rights Law
International Law
Law and Theory
Private Law
Socio-legal Studies
PhD description
PhD students complete an independent research project under the guidance of a supervisory team.
PhD students complete an independent research project under the guidance of a supervisory team. The maximum period of registration permitted before thesis submission is 4 years full-time / 7 years part-time or distance learning.
Active research (including all experimental work, laboratory work, field work, and data collection) will typically take 3 to 3.5 years full-time / 6 to 6.5 years part-time or distance learning. On completion of active research students may request approval to register for a writing-up period of up to 12 months. The period of active research and writing-up together must not exceed the maximum registration period.
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Июль 2025
University of Leicester
University Road,
*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе
Май 2025
University of Leicester
University Road,
Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса
Лестерский университет можно назвать поистине многонациональным вузом – сегодня здесь учится свыше 4.000 иностранных студентов.