Что я буду изучать?

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the Queen Mary University of London is one of the UKs elite research centres in internationally-leading research activities.

The Department is made up of four research centres including our internationally-leading Astronomy Unit. The Astronomy Unit at Queen Mary is one of the largest astronomy and astrophysics research groups in the UK and our research programme encompasses a broad range of astrophysical phenomena across the universe, which we study with observational, theoretical, and simulational approaches.

The research in the Astronomy Unit falls under three main themes:

  • Cosmology and Relativity
  • Planet Formation and Evolution
  • Space, Solar, and Astrophysical Plasmas.

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

School of Physics and Astronomy

Варианты обучения

Очная (3 лет)

£28,850.00 (3,650,051 руб) за 1 год
S&E Basic Rate (all except Mathematics): £28,850, S&E Mathematics £24,750, S&E Band 1 (all except Mathematics) £31,350, S&E Band 2 (all except Mathematics) £33,850, S&E Band 3 (all except Mathematics) £36,350, S&E Band 4 (all except Mathematics) £38,850, S&E Band 5 (all except Mathematics) £41,350. The fee mentioned is for 2024 entry and there may be a slight increase in the fee for 2025 entry.

Это фиксированная стоимость

*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе

Начало обучения

Апрель 2025


Queen Mary University of London

Admissions and Recruitment Office,

Mile End Road,


Tower Hamlets,


Очная (3 лет)

£28,850.00 (3,650,051 руб) за 1 год
S&E Basic Rate (all except Mathematics): £28,850, S&E Mathematics £24,750, S&E Band 1 (all except Mathematics) £31,350, S&E Band 2 (all except Mathematics) £33,850, S&E Band 3 (all except Mathematics) £36,350, S&E Band 4 (all except Mathematics) £38,850, S&E Band 5 (all except Mathematics) £41,350. The fee mentioned is for 2024 entry and there may be a slight increase in the fee for 2025 entry.

Это фиксированная стоимость

*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе

Начало обучения

Сентябрь 2025


Queen Mary University of London

Admissions and Recruitment Office,

Mile End Road,


Tower Hamlets,


Вступительные требования

Для иностранных студентов

A first or upper second-class honours degree in a relevant subject area. If your qualifications are not from a UK university, QMUL also considers recognised equivalent qualifications from accredited overseas institutions and equivalent professional qualifications. The following information may also be factored into your application: A masters qualification is desirable but not always essential. Relevant experience within the field may also be taken into account. Academic IELTS: 6.5 overall, with a minimum of 6.0 in writing and a minimum of 5.5 in reading, speaking and listening. TOEFL minimum score 92 overall with 21 in Writing, 19 in Reading, 18 in Listening and 21 in Speaking.

Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


O Queen Mary University of London

Университет королевы Марии – это возможность получить превосходное образование в Лондоне, восхитительном городе с неисчерпаемой культурой.

  • Университет мирового уровня, входит в группу Расселл
  • Поистине интернациональное студенческое сообщество
  • превосходная инфраструктура, постоянные инвестиции
  • Восемь нобелевских лауреатов в числе выпускников

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