
Politics (Including Placement Year) BA (Hons)


Что я буду изучать?

Why should we obey the law? Why don’t democratic countries go to war with each other? Why don’t young people vote? Why do oil-rich countries have worse human rights records? These are the kinds of questions addressed in our BA Politics course, which provides a thorough training in all major areas of political science, and is based in the top politics department in the country.Always seeking political cause and effect, our course casts light on aspects of life you might never ordinarily connect to politics and government. You investigate the scope of political science as a field of inquiry, and the methods used by political scientists, in order to explore questions concerning both what does occur in politics, and what should occur in politics.You study topics including:- Concepts in political science: state, laws, wars and political parties- International relations- Democratic systems- Political power- Obligations, freedom, rights and equalityPolitics at Essex is all about moving from opinions to evidence. You will quickly learn to ask – and how to answer – the "how do you know?" question. We train our students to be fearless and independent, to question everything and to draw on the broadest possible range of facts and ideas.

На каком факультете я буду учиться?


Варианты обучения

Очная (4 лет)

£20,500.00 (2,593,623 руб) за 1 год
£20500 Per year

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Начало обучения

Октябрь 2025


Colchester Campus

University of Essex,

Wivenhoe Park,




Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса

Варианты подготовительного обучения

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Данный университет принимает на учебу студентов, прошедших программы подготовки в
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  • вуз известен учеными мирового уровня и научными исследованиями
  • вуз предлагает курсы подготовки, степени бакалавра и магистра
  • с гибкой структурой программ студенты изучают то, что им нужно
  • яркое, интернациональное университетское сообщество

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