The Department is proud of its thriving community of research students. A recent HEFCE study found that King's College London is the most successful university in Britain in terms of PhD completion rate. The Department of War Studies is recognised by the British Academy, the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and the Economic and Social Research Council.
Nearly 200 students are currently undertaking doctoral research in the Department. Every year, about 60 new students join our MPhil/PhD programme. They work under the supervision of faculty members from the Department of War Studies and also from the Department of Defence Studies. The Department is especially interested in receiving applications from students planning research projects in fields that will enhance the quality and impact of the Department's research groups, programmes and centres. Students are encouraged to contribute fully to our research units, enhancing our research culture and contributing to Department of War Studies' research strategy.
It is College policy to review the progress of full and part-time students within three months of initial registration and again after a period of nine months' registration. Thereafter, the progress of all students will be reviewed every six months.
Students receive support from their supervisors in the following areas relating to their PhD:
War Studies also offers a distance learning War Studies MPhil/PhD programme. This pathway is intended for well-qualified students whose professional commitments prevent their fulfilling the normal residency requirement of the MPhil/PhD programme at Kings. Supervision will normally be at a distance, and students will be expected to participate in the six-monthly formal progress reviews which manage study on the programme. The programme will be supported by the online learning resources of the Doctoral Training Programme. If it is necessary for a student's progress, they may also audit modules from the War Studies Online MA programmes.
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Сентябрь 2025
Strand Campus
A Master's degree with high merit, and a 2.1 honours degree at the bachelor's level. It is not essential to have taken courses in this field at postgraduate level but we advise students to consider taking our MA or a similar course elsewhere before undertaking research work in the Department of War Studies. Extensive practical experience in the relevant field (e.g. military, diplomatic, journalistic, humanitarian or developmental) may be taken into account when evaluating an application. Students can demonstrate their English Language Proficiency with the following tests and grades: IELTS (Academic): 7.0 overall with a minimum of 6.5 in each skill; TOEFL iBT: 100 overall with a minimum of 25 in writing and 23 in each of the other skills.
Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса
Кингс-колледж рад студентам со всего мира. Превосходные программы колледжа и личные усилия во время учебы – залог успешной, плодотворной карьеры.