Accounting is a great major for students seeking a challenging career with unlimited opportunities. Top skills looked at for promotion and success for accounting majors include communication and people skills, research skills, problem solving, technical knowledge, and critical thinking. A student should be a team player, exhibit time management, and demonstrate motivation, drive, and initiative. Accounting students should stay on top of the latest information, news, and trends. Ethics and professionalism are a must.
Accounting majors must earn grades of C- or better in all upper division accounting courses.
It is strongly recommended that AC 310 Fin Rptg & Anyls of Bus Actv I be taken prior to enrolling in AC 361 Cost Analysis Planning/Control.
AC 351 Managerial Accounting Decisions and AC 352 Corporate Financial Reporting cannot be applied toward the Accounting major.
Accounting provides numerous career options, and accounting professionals can be found in public accounting firms, banks and financial institutions, corporations, public utilities, hospitals, the media, law firms, government, manufacturing companies, and nonprofit institutions. There is great demand for accounting graduates across all types of employers, making now an especially great time to obtain an accounting degree.
Types of Entry Level Jobs Accepted
Employment opportunities for our graduates range from large international to small accounting firms, public and private business enterprises, government agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service or the FBI, and nonprofit organizations in positions such as staff accountant, financial analyst, or financial consultant.
Jobs of Experienced Alumni
Accounting manager, auditor, bank examiner, benefits administrator, budget accountant, certified public accountant, chief financial officer, claims adjuster, computer systems analyst, consumer credit officer, controller, director of finance, FBI or CIA agent, financial analyst, IRS investigator, loan administrator, partner/stockholder, tax specialist.
Январь 2025
Culverhouse College of Business
361 Stadium Dr,
35487, United States
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