The School of Art offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art with specializations in Studio and Digital Arts. This program is designed for those wishing to study studio art within a broad liberal arts context. The degree does not require a portfolio review for admission. No classes used in the major may be counted toward the minor. Students should consult with an advisor for guidance in selecting courses.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in art are expected to:
Demonstrate basic technical abilities within studio media and/or scholarly abilities within art;
Engage in and apply scholarly and/or creative research in visual, written, and oral context;
Apply knowledge of art history, criticism, and theory to chosen field of study;
Demonstrate the ability to contextualize art experience within chosen field of study.
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Предполагаемое начало: June, November 2025
Начало обучения
Предполагаемое начало: Январь 2026
Bowling Green State University
43403, United States
Students should have official transcripts from secondary school and from any post-secondary school attended.
English Language Proficiency requirements, provide one (or more) of the following recommended minimums from the list below:
IELTS: 6.0
Pearson Test of English (PTE): 48
Duolingo English Test Score: 100 (temporarily accepted through Spring 2024 admission)
Completion of ELS Intensive English for Academic Purposes Level 112
Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса
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