Bachelor of Arts in German and Linguistics

Соединенные Штаты


Что я буду изучать?

Linguistics is the science of human language. It seeks to determine that which is necessary in human language, that which is possible, and that which is impossible. While linguists work to determine the unique qualities of individual languages, they are constantly searching for linguistic universals—properties whose explanatory power reaches across languages.

The linguistics portion of the joint foreign language majors is always satisfied by taking the following five courses (20 points):

Either Language (LING-UA 1) or Language and Mind (LING-UA 3)
Sound and Language (LING-UA 11)
Grammatical Analysis (LING-UA 13)
A total of two additional courses from two different fields of linguistics, chosen from the following:

Historical linguistics (LING-UA 14)
Sociolinguistics (LING-UA 15, LING-UA 18, LING-UA 30, LING-UA 38, LING-UA 57)
Phonology (LING-UA 12)
Semantics (LING-UA 4)
Computational linguistics (LING-UA 6, LING-UA 7)
Psycholinguistics (LING-UA 5, LING-UA 43, LING-UA 54, LING-UA 59)
Structure of a modern language (LING-UA 10, LING-UA 42, LING-UA 44, LING-UA 9032)

German requires four additional 4-point courses (16 points) as follows:

An advanced conversation or composition course chosen from:

German Conversation and Composition (GERM-UA 111)
Advanced Composition and Grammar (GERM-UA 114)

Introduction to German Literature (GERM-UA 152)
Two advanced literature courses taught in German (300- or 400-level)

На каком факультете я буду учиться?

College of Arts & Science

Варианты обучения

Очная (128 часов)

US$62,796.00 (6,152,248 руб) за 1 год

*Это примерная цена, проверьте ее в вузе

Начало обучения

Сентябрь 2025


College of Arts & Science

726 Broadway, 7th Floor,

New York,

10003, United States

Вступительные требования

Для иностранных студентов

Graduated with a GED or high school diploma equivalency test and have not enrolled in a degree-seeking program.

Don’t have minimum score requirements, but competitive applicants will receive:

100 and above on the TOEFL iBT

130 and above on the Duolingo English Test

7.5 and above on the IELTS Academic

70 and above on the PTE Academic

191 and above on the Cambridge English Scale

4.5 and above on the iTEP

Application deadline: Early Decision I - November 1; Early Decision II: January 1; Regular Decision - January 5

Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


O New York University

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  • более 350 программ магистратуры и докторантуры
  • трудоустройство выпускников – 95%
  • более 300 студенческих клубов и организаций
  • NYU входит в число 30 лучших университетов мира

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