Bachelor of Science in Aviation Technologies

Соединенные Штаты


Что я буду изучать?


Whether it’s general aviation or commercial transport aircraft, the aviation industry requires highly trained technicians to manage hardware, troubleshoot systems, repair airframe structures, and maintain powerplant (engine) systems. SIUC Aviation Technologies is ranked among the best in the nation. Our courses were developed following Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidelines, as well as with input from industry representatives and alumni; our program provides the essential skills and broad educational experience necessary to thrive in today's competitive environment.


Optional paths within the major provide a great deal of flexibility in preparing for a career in the aviation industry. Students may pursue the FAA airframe and powerplant (A&P) certificate in a five semester sequence of coursework, or they may complete the A&P along with additional coursework as part of a Bachelor of Science degree in Aviation Technologies.


The bachelor's degree in Aviation Technologies is designed to enhance technical training students have received in aviation maintenance or electronics. This technical training may be acquired through SIUC, at other post-secondary institutions, in the military, or in the case of aviation maintenance, at other FAA approved maintenance schools certified under F.A.R. Part 147. The degree will allow you to choose one or two areas to specialize in to enhance your training.


You can work with a team building a scale-model aircraft out of composite materials, including carbon fiber and Kevlar; learn product support and project management skills; and test new engines and alternative fuels not yet on the market.


  • Aircraft Maintenance
  • Helicopter Maintenance
  • Aviation Electronics
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На каком факультете я буду учиться?

School of Aviation

Варианты обучения

Очная (4 лет)

US$26,000.00 (2,547,271 руб) за 1 год
Начало обучения

Сентябрь 2025


School of Aviation

545 N. Airport Road Murphysboro,



62966, United States

Вступительные требования

Для иностранных студентов

Students need to have Transcripts from high school and/or college. At SIU Carbondale, applicants for admission will be eligible for automatic admission if they are on track to complete our course pattern requirements and who meet one of the following criteria: A cumulative high school GPA of 2.75; A ranking in the top 10% of their graduating class.

English Language Requirement: Any one of the following methods will automatically meet the minimum English requirement. Applicants who do not meet the automatic English language admission requirement will undergo a holistic review to determine potential admissibility.

TOEFL (IBT internet-based test) - 68

TOEFL (paper based test) - 520

ITEP - 4.0 (academic plus only)

IELTS - 6.0

2 Face-to-face English composition classes taken in the U.S. at the college level with a grade of A or B

More than 48 college-level credit hours completed at a U.S. institution

If an applicant is from a country whose primary language is English

Graduation from a U.S. high school having spent the final 2 years in the U.S.

Meeting the SAT or ACT requirements for admission of domestic freshmen

Duolingo English Test (accepted during COVID-19 closures)- 95

Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса


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