Students with a degree in business analytics and intelligence typically work as a business analyst/data analyst/business intelligence analyst within a corporation or consulting firm. The role of a business analyst in a corporation could be supporting a specific business function, such as marketing and sales, human resources, customer relationships management, or company-wide functions as an in-house business analytics consultant.
There are a wide variety of industries that hire business analysts, ranging from marketing, human resources, transportation, logistics, manufacturing, retail, telecommunication, banking, credit cards, risk management, insurance to health care, health management organizations, internet advertising, internet search engines, social networks, etc.
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Предполагаемое начало: June, November 2025
Начало обучения
Предполагаемое начало: Январь 2026
Bowling Green State University
43403, United States
Students should have official transcripts from secondary school and from any post-secondary school attended.
English Language Proficiency requirements, provide one (or more) of the following recommended minimums from the list below:
IELTS: 6.0
Pearson Test of English (PTE): 48
Duolingo English Test Score: 100 (temporarily accepted through Spring 2024 admission)
Completion of ELS Intensive English for Academic Purposes Level 112
Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса
Bowling Green State University – лучший среди государственных и частных вузов Огайо по студенческому опыту.