The mechanical and manufacturing engineering program at Bowling Green State University offers comprehensive instruction in the design, optimization, development and production of mechanical systems and engineering products.
The program combines technical know-how with a deep dive into fundamental topics in mechanical engineering. Such a foundation ensures that while students are at the cutting edge of technology, they're also grounded in the core principles that have driven the fields of mechanical and manufacturing engineering for centuries.
Help shape the future. Start your career in the high demand, highly rewarding field of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology (ENGT). ETAC-ABET accredited and housed in the Department of Engineering Technologies, ENGT combines relevant contemporary theories with a strong foundation in mathematics and science to prepare technical managers for exciting and in-demand careers such as process engineer, manufacturing engineer, quality engineer, and plant manager, among others.
ENGT uses your abilities to help create the systems of the future. Contemporary design methodologies and hands-on skills apply knowledge to real-world problems and projects for a professional preparation focused on leadership and technical management in the global marketplace. Two focus areas blend core foundational knowledge of mechanical design and manufacturing strategies for technological managers focused on design of components and machines, organization competitiveness, production methods, and improvement for the future.
Experiential learning and career prospects
Students gain real-world experience through two, paid, semester-long cooperative education work assignments. Many graduates land their first jobs with their co-op employers.
The mechanical and manufacturing engineering program is full of hands-on experience amplified by laboratory classes, research projects, cooperative education and industry-sponsored senior design projects. Our senior design project is focused on solving real world industry problems in a multi-disciplinary group setting. All these experiences ensure our graduates are competent and prepared for day one of their careers.
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Предполагаемое начало: June, November 2025
Начало обучения
Предполагаемое начало: Январь 2026
Bowling Green State University
43403, United States
Students should have official transcripts from secondary school and from any post-secondary school attended.
English Language Proficiency requirements, provide one (or more) of the following recommended minimums from the list below:
IELTS: 6.0
Pearson Test of English (PTE): 48
Duolingo English Test Score: 100 (temporarily accepted through Spring 2024 admission)
Completion of ELS Intensive English for Academic Purposes Level 112
Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса
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