The Master of Science degree in food science and nutrition with a specialization in food science provides a focus on the health properties of food, food microbiology, safety, and chemistry. You will have the opportunity to research and learn about the processes commonly used in food production, and various methods of improving food safety and quality. The increasing public focus on healthy eating and food sustainability makes an advanced degree in food science especially valuable. This program will prepare you to pursue more advanced degrees or take on jobs in the fields of food systems and microbiology.
Master of Science (M.S.) in Food Science and Nutrition — Food Science Specialization
Areas of Study
The Master of Science degree in Food Science and Nutrition with specialization in Food Science includes advanced studies oriented toward food science, food microbiology, food preservation and safety, and health properties of foods and food components. The program provides students with training for doctoral studies and professional degrees, as well as careers in government agencies and industry. A minimum of 35 credits is required for the MS degree.
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Предполагаемое начало: Январь 2026
Colorado State University
711 Oval Drive,
80521, United States
Completion of a bachelor’s degree equivalent to a U.S. Bachelor’s degree from an institution that is recognized by a governmental national higher education authority (at the time the degree was earned).
In general, the minimum cumulative GPA for non-provisional admittance is a 3.000 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) to be admitted by the Graduate School. Departments may require a higher GPA.
For admission of international applicants, the minimum grade for non-provisional admittance is a B grade equivalent. The grade equivalency is the recommended U.S. grade equivalent, not the GPA equivalent.
English language proficiency:
TOEFL minimum score - 550 (paper based), 80 (Internet based)
IELTS minimum score - 6.5
Duolingo minimum score - 120
PTE minimum score - 58
Требования к IELTS могут отличаться в зависимости от выбранного курса
Исследования в 85+ странах, интернациональная атмосфера, 2000+ иностранных студентов дают университету штата Колорадо поистине глобальное значение.