Global Curtin Scholarships - Alumni and Family Scholarship

Western Australia, Australia

Размер стипендии

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Тип финансорования

Fee waiver/discount



Связаться с вузом


Уровень обучения

Бакалавриат, Магистратура и PhD

О стипендии

Провайдер стипендии

Curtin University

Количество стипендий


Что покрывает стипендия?

  • Tuition fees

Больше о стипендии

The scholarship provides 25% off first year tuition fee, up to a maximum of 200 credit points



All International


Для студентов любого пола

Формат преподавания

All types of delivery mode

Принцип отбора

All eligible students

Форма обучения

Full time

Год зачисления

All intakes

Другие критерии

Mature students

Предмет и уровень обучения, которые вы выбрали

Предметные области*

Естественные науки

Уровень обучения

Магистратура и PhD

Предметные области*

Естественные науки

Уровень обучения


Предметные области*

Бизнес и управление

Уровень обучения


Другие требования

Curtin University has an expanding alumni community and is pleased to offer the Alumni and Family Scholarship to our international students.
This scholarship category awards eligible students 25% off their first year of tuition. Curtin University acknowledges the importance of this group in growing the University and this scholarship aims to foster trust and confidence in Curtin University as a place for students to further their studies, careers and life experiences.

Основы отбора

Students are shortlisted based on their

  • Financial need/hardship

Как подать заявку

Процесс подачи заявки

You will be automatically considered for scholarship eligibility when you apply for the relevant course at this institution

Детали подачи заявки (от провайдера стипендии)

This scholarship is only for: 

International, fee-paying, non-sponsored students of any nationality except Australian
Students commencing studies at Curtin’s Western Australia

Students commencing a full Curtin undergraduate or master by coursework program (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery excluded)
Students who themselves or their siblings/parents/children are Curtin Alumni (must have completed a whole qualification) OR; 
their sibling, parent or child have a current enrolment in an academic program at Curtin's Western Australia campuses

Please note that this scholarship: 

Covers a maximum of 25% of the first-year tuition fee up to a MAXIMUM of 200 credit points only
Can only be applied in full for students who are completing a minimum of 400 credit points within their mainstream course
Will only amount to 25% of the first semester tuition fee for students who are completing a minimum of 300 credit points within their mainstream course
Only covers tuition fees and does not cover any other international student expense
Will be credited to recipient’s fee account by census date of the study period
Value credited cannot be accessed/refunded in cash
Can be revoked at the discretion of Curtin if recipient already has a scholarship or sponsorship
Can be revoked if the recipient does not accept their Letter of Offer or enrol in their course by the date specified
CANNOT be retained if a recipient defers their studies beyond a start date
CANNOT be transferred to a Curtin campus or partner outside Western Australia, or to another university
Will NOT be extended beyond its prescribed duration or amount unless notified otherwise by Curtin.

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