A$28,854.00 (1,862,991 руб)
Fee waiver/discount
Связаться с вузом
Магистратура и PhD
Curtin University
1 в год (в среднем)
This scholarship provides a living stipend of AUD $28,854 p.a.(2022 RTP rates) pro rata indexed, based on full-time studies, for up to a maximum of 3 years.
All International
Для студентов любого пола
All types of delivery mode
Only selective applicants are considered
Full Time
All intakes
Academic excellence
Естественные науки
Магистратура и PhD
Suitable applicant must have a first-class Hons degree, Master’s degree or equivalent in Chemistry, Geochemistry, Geology, Biology, Biochemistry, Environmental Science. (- comment: this is eligibility criteria)
Full-time enrolment
Successful recipients must also not be in receipt of any other scholarship.
Students are shortlisted based on their
You need to apply separately for this scholarship
Please send full CV and two referee names to Prof.
Recipients must complete their milestone 1 within 6 month of enrolment and remain enrolled on a full time basis for the duration of the scholarship.