Research Training Program (RTP) International Fee Offset Scholarship

Australian Capital Territory, Australia

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Уровень обучения

Магистратура и PhD

О стипендии

Провайдер стипендии

The Australian National University

Количество стипендий


Что покрывает стипендия?

  • Tuition fees
  • Health insurance

Бесплатные продукты/услуги

  • Full tuition



All International


Для студентов любого пола

Формат преподавания

All types of delivery mode

Принцип отбора

Only selective applicants are considered

Форма обучения

Full time

Год зачисления

All intakes

Другие критерии

Academic excellence

Предмет и уровень обучения, которые вы выбрали

Предметные области*

Не для конкретного предмета

Уровень обучения

Магистратура и PhD

Другие требования

The Commonwealth Scholarship Guidelines (Research) 2017 set the basis for the conditions of award and outline the basic eligibility requirements for this scholarship.

The ANU has established an RTP Policy & Procedure which outlines the standards, processes and conditions for this scholarship. These documents are available from the reference document section of this page.

Основы отбора

Students are shortlisted based on their

  • Academic excellence

Критерии отбора

Candidates are ranked and scholarships are awarded based on a competitive ranking process, to the top ranked candidates, subject to evidence they meet merit-based selection criteria, and subject to confirmation of a qualified supervisor, space and resources being available, in an area of research that is aligned with ANU research strategy.

Как подать заявку

Процесс подачи заявки

You will be automatically considered for scholarship eligibility when you apply for the relevant course at this institution

Детали подачи заявки (от провайдера стипендии)

No application is required specifically for this scholarship as all eligible candidates will be considered. 

In order to be considered in the main round of scholarships, students are required to have applied for admission by 15 April in the year of commencing their HDR Program or 31 August in the year prior to commencing their HDR program. Applications must be complete at the time of submission, including all supporting documentation and referee reports, in order to be considered in the scholarship ranking process.

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