
Размер стипендии

HK$10,000.00 (125,999 руб)


Тип финансорования





Уровень обучения

Магистратура и PhD

О стипендии

Провайдер стипендии

The University of Hong Kong

Количество стипендий


Что покрывает стипендия?

  • Tuition fees

Больше о стипендии

HK $10,000 a year



All International


Для студентов любого пола

Формат преподавания

All types of delivery mode

Принцип отбора

Only selective applicants are considered

Форма обучения

Full time

Год зачисления

All intakes

Другие критерии

Academic excellence

Предмет и уровень обучения, которые вы выбрали

Предметные области*

Медицина и здоровье

Уровень обучения

Магистратура и PhD

Другие требования

The Scholarships shall be awarded to postgraduate students reading for higher degrees in the LKS Faculty of Medicine. 

The Scholarships shall be awarded annually on the basis of academic merit and shall be tenable for one year at a time. 

Holders of the Scholarships shall be required to pursue their studies full-time but may undertake approved teaching assistance duties similar to those applicable to holders of University Postgraduate Scholarships.

Основы отбора

Students are shortlisted based on their

  • Academic excellence

Как подать заявку

Процесс подачи заявки

You will be automatically considered for scholarship eligibility when you apply for the relevant course at this institution

Детали подачи заявки (от провайдера стипендии)

Once you have successfully submitted an application for admission, you will be considered for an entrance scholarship automatically. No separate application for entrance scholarship is required.

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