
Размер стипендии

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Тип финансорования

Fee waiver/discount



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Уровень обучения

Магистратура и PhD

О стипендии

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University of Essex

Количество стипендий


Что покрывает стипендия?

  • Tuition fees

Больше о стипендии

If you're an international student, took your undergraduate degree overseas or in the UK and are self-funding your postgraduate studies, you could be eligible for a scholarship worth up to £7,000, paid as a discount.



All International


Для студентов любого пола

Формат преподавания

All types of delivery mode

Принцип отбора

Only selective applicants are considered

Форма обучения

Full Time

Год зачисления

October 2025, January 2026

Другие критерии

Academic excellence

Предмет и уровень обучения, которые вы выбрали

Предметные области*

Не для конкретного предмета

Уровень обучения

Магистратура и PhD

Другие требования

If you're an international student, took your undergraduate degree overseas or in the UK and are self-funding your postgraduate studies, you could be eligible for a scholarship worth up to £7,000, paid as a discount on your tuition fee. 

To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must:

Be overseas fee payers and

Be entirely self-funded, and;

Be ordinarily resident in one of the countries specified in the table above and;

Have an undergraduate degree (or Masters degree) awarded by an institution based in one of the countries listed in the table above and

Have met the academic requirement for that country, as specified in the table above.

If eligible, the amount you will be awarded is the scholarship award for your country of ordinary residence and not the country your degree is from (if this is different).

If you are ordinarily resident in one of the countries listed and you have an undergraduate degree awarded by an institution based in the UK and have achieved a 2:1 or above – you will also be eligible for this scholarship. The amount awarded will be based on the country where you are ordinarily resident. Applicants will not be eligible for an award based on holding a Masters degree from the UK.

Students must have been awarded an undergraduate degree (this includes integrated Masters degrees) with the grade specified or above. A Pass grade in a Masters degree from any of the countries listed in the table above (excluding the UK) can be taken to compensate for a lower Bachelors grade.

Students must register at the University of Essex in October 2025 or January 2026 for the first year of a full-time Masters course in academic year 2025-26 only, leading to the degree of: MA, MFA, MSc, LLM, MPP, MBM, MRes, MBA

This scholarship is available for the first year of taught Masters study only.

Successful applicants should be available for promotional activities.

Основы отбора

Students are shortlisted based on their

  • Academic excellence

Как подать заявку

Процесс подачи заявки

You will be automatically considered for scholarship eligibility when you apply for the relevant course at this institution

Детали подачи заявки (от провайдера стипендии)

If you meet all the eligibility criteria, you will automatically be considered for this award. You don’t need to complete an application form. The University will assess your eligibility based on the academic transcripts and certificates you submit with your application for your place at Essex.

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