
Размер стипендии

US$5,000.00 (489,860 руб)


Тип финансорования

Fee waiver/discount



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Уровень обучения


О стипендии

Провайдер стипендии

St. John's University

Количество стипендий


Что покрывает стипендия?

  • Tuition fees

Больше о стипендии

USD $5,000 per year which will be awarded for four years of study.



All International


Для студентов любого пола

Формат преподавания

All types of delivery mode

Принцип отбора

All eligible students

Форма обучения

Full time

Год зачисления

Expected August 2025

Другие критерии

Mature students

Предмет и уровень обучения, которые вы выбрали

Предметные области*

Не для конкретного предмета

Уровень обучения


Другие требования

Catholic Scholars take part in a four-year developmental program that translates faith into action. Prospective freshmen apply for this scholarship, and if chosen will receive a grant of USD $5,000 per year which will be awarded for four years of study. Students will commit themselves to faith-based leadership training, service and prayer, and formation of a deeper understanding of what it means to be a leader inspired by the Catholic tradition. 

PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING EXCLUSIONS: Students entering a house of discernment sponsored by a diocese or religious community, or a college seminary or religious community formation program are ineligible to participate in the Catholic Scholars Program at St. John’s University.

Как подать заявку

Процесс подачи заявки

You need to apply separately for this scholarship

Детали подачи заявки (от провайдера стипендии)

For further information, please contact the university website.

Contact Institution

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